Lines and Wrinkles Treatment Chennai | The Live Young Clinic

Line and Wrinkles

Home Line and Wrinkles

Lines and Wrinkles Treatment Chennai

Ageing is an inevitable and gradual process that none can escape from. Studies show that some have noticed signs of ageing at an earlier age than others. Appearance has always been one of our major concerns and with ageing comes a variety of changes in the facial structure like wrinkles, sagging skin, fine lines or a rough texture.


It is a neurotoxic protein that is injected into the skin.
These injections are known to relax your face muscles and thereby reducing the extent of wrinkles and fine lines.
It functions by paralyzing the external muscles that are responsible for wrinkles.
This treatment does not only help in getting rid of wrinkles or fine lines but also can be used for its prevention.

As the name suggests, fillers are used to add ‘substance’ or ‘volume’ that has previously been lost. We provide natural or synthetic fillers as per the clients choice.
An example of natural fillers is your own body fat and that of synthetic fillers is hyaluronic acid.
The type of filler used may work in a slightly different way with varying results.
This treatment acts by initiating an increase in collagen production.




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